News Recommender System



  • Click Through RateClick Through Rate
    Click-Through-Rate (CTR) is the number of clicks that the item receives divided by the number of times the item is shown.

    clicks / impressions = CTR

    If we have 5 clicks and 100 impressions, our ...
  • Adoption and Conversion RatesAdoption and Conversion Rates
    Adoption and Conversion Rates often require a domain- and application-specific definition.


    [[The Youtube video recommendation system 2010]]

    Long CTR - only counting clicks t...
  • Dwell time - Metrics, Engagement, and Personalization at SpotifyMetrics, Engagement, and Personalization at Spotify

    Optimization metrics quantify how users engage within a session and act as proxy of satisfaction

    long click
    click to stream
    impression t...
    • is a better proxy for user interest in news articles than click, an efficient way to reduce click-baits

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