Adoption and Conversion Rates


Adoption and Conversion Rates often require a domain- and application-specific definition.


  • The Youtube video recommendation system 2010The Youtube video recommendation system 2010

    Goals: Recent and Fresh, Diverse and Relevant
    2 Phase

    Candidate generations

    [[Co-visitation Recommendation]] (association rule mining)

    • Long CTR - only counting clicks that led to watches of a substantial fraction of the video
  • The Netflix Recommender System - Algorithms, Business Value, and InnovationThe Netflix Recommender System - Algorithms, Business Value, and Innovation

    Personalize Video Ranker: PVR

    Orders the entire catalog of videos (or subsets selected by genre or another filtering)

    Top-N Video Ranker

    Find the best few persona...
    • Take-Rate - Captures how many cases a video or movie was actually played after being chosen from a recommendations
  • Recommending ephemeral items at web scaleRecommending ephemeral items at web scale

    Generative Clustering Model


    To maximize the total intra-cluster coherence


    Naive Bayes for ranking
    • BTR - Bid-Through-Rate
    • PTR - Purchase-Through-Rate
  • Recommending Similar Items in Large-scale Online MarketplacesRecommending Similar Items in Large-scale Online Marketplaces

    Offline process, generates long-term cluster based on product’s title


    c1 = {nike, air-max, white, gray, running}

    Nike white gray 7 m...
    • Add-To-Wishlist
  • A Comparison of Offline Evaluations Online Evaluations and User StudiesA Comparison of Offline Evaluations Online Evaluations and User Studies

    Evaluate recommender system

    offline evaluation
    online evaluation
    user studies

    Result from offline sometimes contradict from online and user studies

    • Link-Through-Rate
    • Cite-Through-Rate
  • Evaluating Recommender Systems in Tourism - A Case Study from AustriaEvaluating Recommender Systems in Tourism - A Case Study from Austria

    Web-usage mining
    Focus on efficiency, effectiveness, actionable marketing intelligence


    Measured by customer satisfaction usability
    Mining by ...
    • CVR - Interact then issue an accommodation request
  • Where to go on your next trip - optimizing travel destinations based on user preferences
    • Conversions
  • On the value of reminders within e-commerce recommendation
    • CVR - Count if a user clicked then subsequently visited the external sites
  • A deployed people-to-people recommender system in online dating
    • Positive contacts per user
    • Open communications per user
  • LinkedIn skills - Large-scale topic extraction and inference
    • Rate of users who added skills for skill recommendation

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