Click Through Rate


Click-Through-Rate (CTR) is the number of clicks that the item receives divided by the number of times the item is shown.

clicks / impressions = CTR

If we have 5 clicks and 100 impressions, our CTR would be 5%.


  • Google News Personalization scalable online collaborative filteringGoogle News Personalization scalable online collaborative filtering

    Item Churn


    Decayed popularity


    Increase in CTR by 38% compared between the proposed method and baseline popularity.


    A. S. Das, M. Datar, ...
    • Increase in CTR by 38% compared between propose method and baseline popularity.
  • A Live Comparison of Methods for Personalized Article Recommendation at ForbesA Live Comparison of Methods for Personalized Article Recommendation at Forbes

    Hybrid of collaborative-filtering and a content-based method that leverage Wikipedia-based concept features
    Post-processed by a novel Bayesian remapping technique



    • Increase in CTR of 37% (Hybrid with Wiki vs popular)
  • Personalized News Recommendation Based on Click Behavior - GooglePersonalized News Recommendation Based on Click Behavior - Google

    Bayesian framework
    The log analysis reveals that the click distributions of individual users are influenced by the local news trend

    Decompose users news interests

    • Improves the CTR upon the existing collaborative method by 30.9%.
  • Offline and online evaluation of news recommender systems at swissinfoOffline and online evaluation of news recommender systems at swissinfo

    Context-tree recommender systems which profile the users in real-time
    the CTR overestimates the actual impact for popular items and thus gives a skewed impression of the actual performance. Th...
    • Increase in CTR about 35% for longer user sessions (context tree vs random)
  • The Youtube video recommendation system 2010The Youtube video recommendation system 2010

    Goals: Recent and Fresh, Diverse and Relevant
    2 Phase

    Candidate generations

    [[Co-visitation Recommendation]] (association rule mining)

    • Increase of over 200% CTR (co-visitation vs most viewed items)
  • Recommending Similar Items in Large-scale Online MarketplacesRecommending Similar Items in Large-scale Online Marketplaces

    Offline process, generates long-term cluster based on product’s title


    c1 = {nike, air-max, white, gray, running}

    Nike white gray 7 m...
    • 38.18% increase in CTR
  • Post-purchase recommendations in large-scale online marketplacesPost-purchase recommendations in large-scale online marketplaces

    Co-purchase mining approach

    Results improve 30% in CTR improve 42% in CTR


    J. Katukuri, T. Konik, R. Mukherjee, and S. Kolay, “Post-purchase recommendation...
    • 30% / 42% increase in CTR
  • Optimizing Similar Item Recommendations in a semi-structured marketplace to maximize conversionOptimizing Similar Item Recommendations in a semi-structured marketplace to maximize conversion

    Recall + Ranking

    Recall: Candidate Generation

    Coviewed items

    A pair of items that have been frequently viewed together in the same browsi...
    • Increase of 3% CTR
  • A Comparison of Offline Evaluations Online Evaluations and User StudiesA Comparison of Offline Evaluations Online Evaluations and User Studies

    Evaluate recommender system

    offline evaluation
    online evaluation
    user studies

    Result from offline sometimes contradict from online and user studies

    • Offline is not suitable for evaluation
    • CTR better than cite-through rate, link-through rate
  • A Comparative analysis of offline and online evaluations and discussions of research paper recommender system evaluationA Comparative analysis of offline and online evaluations and discussions of research paper recommender system evaluation

    Offline evaluation contradict with online evaluation
    Both CTR and MAP never contradicted each other

    It could still be possible that MAP over users will differ

    Research Que...
    • Offline is contradict with online evaluations
    • Both CTR and MAP never contradicted each other
      • It could still be possible that MAP over users will differ
  • TF-IDuF - A Novel Term-Weighting Scheme for User Modeling based on Users Personal Document CollectionsTF-IDuF - A Novel Term-Weighting Scheme for User Modeling based on Users Personal Document Collections

    TF-IDuF achieved 5.14% CTR, equal to TF-IDF (5.09% CTR)


    J. Beel, S. Langer, and B. Gipp, “TF-IDuF: A Novel Term-Weighting Scheme for User Modeling based on Users’ Personal Documen...
    • TF-IDuF achieved 5.14% CTR, equal to TF-IDF (5.09% CTR)
  • Evaluating Similarity Measures - A Large-Scale Study in the Orkut Social NetworkEvaluating Similarity Measures - A Large-Scale Study in the Orkut Social Network

    6 measures of similarity for recommendations in social network

    Pointwise Mutual-Information: Positive correlations
    Pointwise Mutual-Information: posi...
    • Use CTR for their measurements
  • Recommending ephemeral items at web scaleRecommending ephemeral items at web scale

    Generative Clustering Model


    To maximize the total intra-cluster coherence


    Naive Bayes for ranking
    • 3-5 folds improvement in CTR and Purchase-through rate

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