Management Books


Currently Reading

  • Fearless Organization
  • Book - An Elegant PuzzleBook - An Elegant Puzzle

    Author: [[Will Larson]]

    My review:


    In Progress …


    3.14 Time Management

    1. Quarterly Time Retrospective

    This idea is interesting to try, it should help reflect how I ...


  • Book - Zapp - The lightning of empowermentBook - Zapp - The lightning of empowerment

    Author: [[William Byham]]
    My review: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)
    Amazon: Book

    This is the first book I've read as a manager, which recommended by my first best manager ever!.

    The book tell a story abou...
  • Book - The Truth About Employee EngagementBook - The Truth About Employee Engagement

    Author: Patrick LencioniPatrick Lencioni

    Authors of

    [[Book - The Truth About Employee Engagement]]

    My review: ⭐⭐⭐ (3/5)


    Anonumity (การไม่มีตัวตน)

    Knowing other people as a person
    We do not need to be different person at work
  • The Manager's Path - Camile Fournier
  • The Making of a Manager - Julie Zhuo
  • I'm a fans of Patrick LencioniPatrick Lencioni

    Authors of

    [[Book - The Truth About Employee Engagement]]

    • The Ideal Team Player
    • Death by Meeting
    • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
  • High Output Management - Andrew S. Grove
  • Alive at Work - Daniel M. Cable
  • Work Rules! - Laszlo Bock
  • The Phoenix Project - Gene Kim
  • Measure What Matters - John Doerr