VUCA - volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity




VUCA is an acronym that stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity

Use to create better understanding of the situations

  • Volatility. What are the highest and lowest possible values that we can expect? How fast can these values change? What amount of change can we absorb before it negatively impacts us?
  • Uncertainty. What can change? What are potential signs of change? Will we know when things change? How fast can we respond to a change?
  • Complexity. How well do we understand the structures involved? How are these items interconnected? What is our ability to stop a chain reaction or cascading failure?
  • Ambiguity. What is our visibility into the internal and external factors? What is the possibility for misunderstanding and confusion? How can directions be issued more clearly? What signifies that more information is needed before making a decision?

VUCA Analysis


VUCA Analysis