ABC-XYZ Principle



We can use ABC AnalysisABC Analysis

What is ABC Analysis

ABC Analysis is an inventory categorisation technique based on the Preto-rules (20%/80%)
ABC Analysis divides an inventory into three categories

“A items” – 2...
to classify the most important product, but we may need to take time into account where XYZ AnalysisXYZ Analysis

What is XYZ Analysis

XYZ Analysis is an inventory categorisation technique based on the demand variations overtime, the demand variations may caused by different factors such as seasonality, c...
come in place.

ABC-XYZ Principle

Using both of ABC AnalysisABC Analysis

What is ABC Analysis

ABC Analysis is an inventory categorisation technique based on the Preto-rules (20%/80%)
ABC Analysis divides an inventory into three categories

“A items” – 2...
and XYZ AnalysisXYZ Analysis

What is XYZ Analysis

XYZ Analysis is an inventory categorisation technique based on the demand variations overtime, the demand variations may caused by different factors such as seasonality, c...
together will give us a big picture on which product contribute the most, and which of them has high fluctuations.