Sample Ratio Mismatch



  • SRM is a mismatch between the expected sample ratio and the observed sample ratio
  • SRMs are a common data quality issues
  • Approximately 6% of experiments at Microsoft exhibit an SRM
  • SRMs cause a selection bias that invalidates any causal inference
  • We can use a standard t-test or chi-squared test to compute the p-value
  • There are different ways to detect SRMs

What is SRM

The Sample Ratio Mismatch (SRM) metric looks at the ratio of users (or other units) between two variants. If the experiment design exposes a specific user ratio to the two variants, then the results should closely match the design.

Scenario 1

Given we run an experiment with 2 variants, control, and treatment, each assigned 50% of users. We expect to see an approximately equal number of users in each, but our results are:

  • Control: 821,588 users

  • Treatment: 815,482 users

The ratio between the two is 0.993, whereas the ratio should be 1.0

Ratio between control and treatment is (815,482/821,588) = 0.993

The p-value of the above .993 Sample Ratio is 1.8E-6.

That said, there is an SRM. Therefore, it is more likely that there is a bug in the implementation of the experiment.


  • Buggy randomization of users
  • Data pipeline issues
  • Residual effects (Some deployment, bug fixes, or new features cause the issue on experimentation)

Debugging SRMs

  • Validate that there is no difference upstream of randomization point.
  • Validate that variant assignment is correct
  • Follow the stages of the data processing pipeline
    • Bot filtering, User ID filtering
  • Exclude the initial period
    • Sometimes, the initial period did not start together. For example, caches take time to prime
  • Look at the Sample Ratio for segments
    • Look at each day separately
    • Is there a browser segment, app, or platform that stands out (e.g., Android, iOS)
    • Do new users and returning users show different ratios?
  • Look at the intersection with other experiments

Some exciting reads

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