Recommender System - Serendipity



  • Beyond accuracy - evaluating recommender systems by coverage and serendipityBeyond accuracy - evaluating recommender systems by coverage and serendipity
    1. Coverage

    The coverage of a recommender is a measure of the domain of items over which the system can make recommendations
    2 concepts

    The percentage of the items for which the sys...
    • Serendipity - Unexpected and usefulness (usefulness judged by user)
  • Being accurate is not enough - how accuracy metrics have hurt recommender systemsBeing accurate is not enough - how accuracy metrics have hurt recommender systems

    We need to judge the quality of recommendations as users see them: as recommendation lists

    We need to create a variety of metrics that act on recommendation lists (e.g., in...
    • Serendipity metric may be difficult to create without feedback from users.

#recommender-system #recommender-system/quality #recommender-system/serendipity