1. Product Improvement
- Changing product features or content
- Increase stickiness
- Increase cost for a customer to switch to an alternative (providing valuable features that are hard to reproduce or difficult to transfer from one system to another)
2. Engagement Campaigns
- Marketers reduce chuen with mass communication.
3. One-on-one customer interactions
- Try to detect customers who need help and reach out to them before they ask for it
- Proactively help customers when the customers ask for help.
4. Rightsizing pricing
- (Not Recommend) reduce the price or change subscription terms
- Right-size sales in the first place: Selling the product version that is optimal for the customer rather than selling the most expensive version possible.
5. Targeting acquisitions
- Different channels where you acquire customers may produce customers with different retention and churn quality.
Note: There is no one-size-fits-all intervention.
Reference and you can also read the full version here: https://www.fightchurnwithdata.com/