

What is Embedding

Google ML Crash Course - Embedding said

An embedding is a relatively low-dimensional space into which you can translate high-demensional vectors. Embeddings make it easier to do machine learning on large inputs like sparse vectors representing words. Ideally, an embedding captures some of the semantics of the input placing sementically similar inputs close together in the embedding space. An embedding can be learned and resued across models

Will Koehrsen (Data Scientist at Cortex Intel) has mentioned embeddings in his medium article

An embedding is a mapping of a discrete - categorical - variable to a vector of continuous numbers. In the context of neural networks, embeddings are low-dimensional, learned continuous vector representations of discrete variables. Neural network embeddings are useful because they can reduce the dimensionality of categorical variables and meaningfully represent categories in the transformed space.

In Machine Learning Design Patterns book written by Valliappa Lakshmanan, Sara Robinson & Michael Munn mentioned embeddings in Design Pattern 2: Embedding that

Embeddings are a learnable data representation that map high-cardinality data into a lower dimensional space in such a way that the information relevant to the learning problem is preserved. Embeddings are at the heart of modern-day machine learning and have various incarnations through the field.

In brief, Embeddings are "A learnable continuous vector presentation, use to reduce the dimensionalty and expected to captures semantics relationship of the input data"

Why Embedding

Most of the reason we widely use embedding is to reduce the dimensionalty of the input data in a meaningful way.

Basically we start by encode the categorical input into a one-hot encoding that maps each input string into a 1 and 0 of vectors.

Using one-hot encoding can causes 2 issues

  1. Sparse matrix where there are high dimensions with a lot of zero values.
  2. Independent where each variable considered as independent.

Sparse Matrix

For example we have the input as followed

input = [

When we encode it as a one-hot encoding the result will be

Dog = [1, 0]
Cat = [0, 1]

### The encoded will be

encoded_input = [
	[1, 0],
	[0, 1],
	[0, 1],
	[1, 0]

As you can see 2 dimensions is very low, but if we have many many more categories, it may cause a problem.

Imagine the recommendation system, we usually have multiple products which user interacted with, let's say we have 5k products, our one-hot encoding of each product should contains 5k dimensions. If we need to consider last 5 interactions for each users, the input will be 25k dimensions!

inputs = [
	"user_id": "1",
	"product_id_1": [0,0, ...., 0], # (length = 5,000, only one value as 1)
	"product_id_2": [1,0, ...., 0], # (length = 5,000, only one value as 1)
	"product_id_3": [0,0, ...., 1], # (length = 5,000, only one value as 1)
	"product_id_4": [0,0, ...., 0], # (length = 5,000, only one value as 1)
	"product_id_5": [0,0, ...., 0], # (length = 5,000, only one value as 1)


  • http://colah.github.io/posts/2014-07-NLP-RNNs-Representations/

How to Embedding

The embedding layer is just another hidden layer of the neural network. We can either use the embeding layer from any neural network libraries (Keras, Tensorflow, Tensorflow Feature Column, Pytorch, etc.)

Here're the generic steps:

  1. Create a lookup table (Mapped a string to an index)
  2. Transform those categories into a one-hot encoding (Mapped the number(index) to the one-hot encoding)
  3. Connect one-hot encoding to an embedding layer (Typically just a hidden layer with a lower dimensional space compared to one-hot layer)
  4. Connect to a hidden layer to produce the output
  5. Finally connect to the output layer with a softmax activation function.

For more detail consider look into the interesting articles.

To train generic embeddings

We also can leverage the complete packages to train the general purpose embeddings

Alternatives to Embedding

  • Autoencoders

Other Notes:

How do the values in the embeddings vectors magically get assigned? Actually, the assignments happen during training. That is, the model learns the best way to map your input numeric categorical values to the embeddings vector value in order to solve your problem. Embedding columns increase your model's capabilities, since an embeddings vector learns new relationships between categories from the training data.