Effective Catalog Size


A metric that describes how spread viewing is across the items in our catalog. If most viewing comes from a single item, it will be close to 1. If all items generate the same amount of viewing, it is close to the number of videos in the catalog.

Effective Catalog Size function

p is the probability mass function corresponding to the share of hours streamed from the popularity-ordered videos in the catalog.

i is the order of popularity-ordered videos in the catalog.

Example 1

If we have 3 videos ordered by most-streamed hours as below.

Video 1: 10 hours Video 2: 6 hours Video 3: 3 hours

Then the total streamed hours is 10+6+3 = 19 hours.

p of 1st video is 10/19 = ~0.526

p of 2nd video is 6/19 = ~0.316

p of 3rd video is 3/19 = ~0.158

so on…

From the ECS function above:

ECS(p) = 2 * ( (10/19 * 1) + (6/19 * 2) + (3/19 * 3)) - 1

ECS(p) = ~2.263

Example from TIVO

Personalized Content Discovery Drives Higher Content Consumption for a Leading Pay-TV Provider


C. A. Gomez-Uribe and N. Hunt, “The Netflix Recommender System: Algorithms, Business Value, and Innovation,” ACM Trans. Manage. Inf. Syst., vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 1–19, Jan. 2016, doi: 10.1145/2843948.

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